In the year 2021 there needs to be more #celebrityresponsibility around sponsorships especially with Coke or Pepsi. I dare say @kingjames missed his chance to make a difference and inspire big change.
In the year 2021 celebrities to think twice before promoting the world’s biggest single-use plastic polluters. @pepsi and @cocacola’s plastic is found on beaches all over the planet while harming delicate marine habitats. They are not cleaning up their mess up. We get stuck with the #environmentalproblems and the cleanup bill. This type of behavior should be a thing of the past.
On top of that, their drinks are full of #cornsyrup which is known to cause diabetes and obesity to children all over the world. Is that what you want to be connected to, celebrity?
Seriously it’s the year 2021 and this is a chance to make a difference. So, please celebrity person out there, think about this because you have the most influence on society and especially on the young. They are vulnerable to your messages.
I don’t mean to pick on Lebron but I can’t help to notice that it was a really big missed opportunity to make a really big statement against corporate environmental irresponsibility.
To add salt to injury, #petrochemical companies that produce single use plastic bottles for their sugary drinks are directly harming black and brown people in communities across Texas Mississippi and Louisiana where their refineries produce the plastic to make all of those bottles. Straight poisoning people. That’s what these athletes who accept these sponsorships are promoting. #dontgetittwisted
Watch the TikTok for this piece on /miguelsolari23 or on @myplasticfreestore instagram:)